Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday Update 3:45 p.m.

Instruction: Our team will be reviewing OSPI's guidance this coming week and working to fine tune our systems.

Food Service: USDA will fund all Saturday meals and meal service will continue through June 20.

Calendar: Because of the decrease in instructional hours and the requirement that schools provide 1080 hours per year, TSD needs to utilize the  snow make up days on May 22 and 23 as well as continuing school until June 19 for a total of 991 hours. This allows us to have the remaining hours waived and be eligible to apply for additional funding if compensatory services are required during the summer or next year. We will continue to observe Memorial Day as a non-school  holiday.

Class of 2020
  • Senior Trip: The class will plan their trip for a date uncertain. They’ll purchase gift certificates and tickets in advance and give them to each senior. When they are able to pick a date (maybe as late as September), they’ll get the word out to their classmates and assemble together for their event. Doing it this way allows them to utilize the funds they raised, saves them money for transportation and chaperones and gives them more control over their event.
  •  Prom: A group of DJ’s and community members have begun planning an all-county prom. For more info go to This isn't a school event, so they don't have the same restrictions that schools do.
  •  Commencement: We won’t be able to do a face-to-face ceremony before June 19 unless the Governor revises his order. In his press conference, he left the door open to that possibility, but we shouldn't count on it. We’re not landing on a decision about Commencement at this point, but we do have options: wait until later in the summer or a parade through town. We're also listening for ideas that come from other communities to see if an idea can be adapted here. Throughout, we'll be including our seniors and their families in the planning. If you have ideas, please share them with Martin Huffman (

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