Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1 6 p.m.

There is still plenty of uncertainty, but what is certain is that we get better at delivering instruction at a distance every day. We learned in our Response Team meeting this Tuesday that all families with children in our schools have been contacted. This hasn't been easy. Some phones don't have voicemail set up. Not everyone has given us their emails. Some folks don't return phone calls. Our team has been diligent in tracking folks down on Facebook, asking neighbors to pass along messages to call us and even visiting homes to deliver packets and ask for contact. If we're mistaken, and no one in your family has been contacted, it is vitally important that you call or email us. If you don't have the school's number, use mine: 509.770.0067 or email me at I'll put you in touch with your child's school.


Our teachers continue to learn new ways of connecting with students. We've had several teachers take on zoom meetings for their classes this week and have had some great success with those. Others continue to post to YouTube and the high school is uniformly using Google Classroom to deliver instruction. All of our seniors have tailored plans for courses leading to a diploma this year. TES will be providing feedback on learning to students. TMS and THS will be providing "Credit/No Credit" grades rather than traditional A-F. This allows for individual students to demonstrate learning in different ways and overcome some of the inequities associated with learning this way. It also insulates students' GPAs from damage during this time.

We've loaned out over 100 devices to families in the community and ToledoTel informs us that everyone they serve in our district has been given internet access. We continue to be grateful to ToledoTel for the support that they provide to our students, families and staff. We couldn't do this without them.

We're adding more OdysseyWare licenses to our online capacity to serve our students with disabilities. This specialized curriculum allows our Special Education teachers to provide specially-designed instruction for many of our students with special needs. This coursework is expected to be available early next week.

Food Service

Since March 17, we've served 2,662 meals to children throughout the District. Most of these have been delivered. This has helped families who are experiencing financial hardship and has reduced the need for people to go to the grocery store. I saw a home made card done in crayon on the table in the ready room at the bus garage. It said, "Thank you for bringing us meals!" Our team says that it has been inspiring to be part of this effort and we're proud of their service.

Parade for Class of 2020

Thanks to Brandie Devine and several community members, there are plans afoot to have a parade through town. Residents and businesses on the route will be asked to decorate their front porch to honor the Class of 2020. On Saturday, April 18, THS Seniors will drive the route to look at all of the decorations and residents will be asked to be outside to wave and make as much noise as possible while maintaining social distance. If you live outside of town or off the parade route, I've heard there are plans to decorate the fence at the baseball field at THS as well as other places in town. Follow the City of Toledo Facebook page for more information. Thanks Toledo!

Whatever your current circumstances, know that your neighbors care about you and stand ready to provide support and assistance. Reach out by phone, email, text. Don't isolate. Together, we can do anything. Be well. Wash your hands. Next update on Friday morning.

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