Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 25 4:00 p.m.

I'm attaching a link to an article from the American Psychological Association. It talks about how to maintain our mental health while observing social distancing and self-quarantine procedures. Not only are these important ideas for ourselves, they are important for children. All of us are feeling the effects of routines and systems in disarray. It will take us some time to establish a "new normal".

Instruction: When schools in Washington were closed on March 17, the guidance we were given was to provide enrichment activities for students and supports for parents at home. We were told that if we provided educational services, we needed to be able to provide for all students regardless of ability. For some of our students, packets and the internet don’t meet their special needs. We decided to make all of our activities enrichment and optional.
We received new guidance on March 24 from the Federal Dept. of Education and OSPI that indicates we are expected to provide educational services. In the words of our State Superintendent,
Although schools are closed and are not providing traditional in-person instruction, education must continue.”
This means that enrichment is not enough. We've been charged with taking risks and redefining what educational service means. A colleague of mine likened this to being told in the third quarter of a football game that everyone would now be required to dribble the ball when running. Changing the rules in the middle of the game is a heavy lift. However, within hours of the State Superintendent's announcement, Toledo teachers and staff had already begun ramping up efforts to meet this new directive. Teachers at all four schools are increasing their efforts to be in contact with families and to provide lessons and assignments that will keep our students moving forward. In addition, our special education staff is developing ways to continue to provide specially-designed instruction for all students with disabilities. We need your help.

If you have not been in contact with your child’s teacher, please contact them by phone or email this week so that your child doesn’t miss out on instruction. Maintaining relationships and contact with school and teachers is more important than ever now that we don’t see each other every day.

If you don’t have a connection to the internet or a device to access the internet, be sure to tell your child’s teacher. ToledoTel has nearly finished connecting all families in the district who are within their service area. We are working to find out who remains so that we can develop ways to deliver instruction to those families.

Food Service: We're serving over 500 meals each day now and delivering on four bus routes. We continue to get orders for food and this is great! We won't ever stop taking orders. Our staff continue to provide this essential service for our families and I am humbled by their efforts on a daily basis. They are overcoming food shortages from purveyors to provide two healthy meals six days a week. 

In closing, I urge everyone to follow the Governor’s directive to stay home and stay healthy. Our only weapon against this virus is to not pass it to one another and to take the strain off of our healthcare providers. We come together by staying apart.  Best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.

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