Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17 Update 5:00 p.m.

We hope that you are staying safe and away from others today. We wish everyone health and strength as you navigate the changing circumstances.  Toledo School District continues to make progress on redefining school during a pandemic.

Food Service: Children 0-18 years old qualify for free breakfast and free lunch. All children. Every day during this shut down. There are 804 children enrolled in Toledo Schools and only 38 have indicated that they want free food. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to save some trips to the store and some money over the next six weeks. We encourage all families to sign up so we can provide these meals for your children. Eligibility is NOT based on income. All children qualify.

Our schedule is:

Wednesday 3/18: These are meals for Wed and Thurs. Buses will load at 8:30 and deliver. Don is calling all recipients with their times for delivery. Students who live in the walk zone will pick up meals from 9-11 a.m. at TES curbside. (Don will also communicate this to families) This is the morning delivery schedule.

Thursday 3/19: These are meals for Friday. Buses will  load at 3 p.m. at TES and deliver. Don will notify families of times. Pick up will be from 2-3 p.m. at TES. (Afternoon delivery schedule)

Friday 3/20: These are meals for the weekend. Afternoon delivery schedule.

Monday 3/23: Monday's meals will be delivered using Morning delivery schedule. Tuesday meals will be delivered using afternoon delivery schedule.

Tuesday 3/24: Wednesday meals. Afternoon delivery schedule.

Wednesday 3/25: Thursday meals. Afternoon delivery schedule.

Thursday 3/26: Friday meals. Afternoon delivery schedule.

Friday 3/27: Weekend meals. Afternoon delivery schedule.

Repeat Mon-Fri schedule for subsequent weeks.

Computers: The District has about 20 surplus desktop computers that we are preparing to be loaned to families and staff who do not have a device. Devices will be loaned first to families that do not have a device of any kind. After that, remaining devices will be loaned to staff who are working from home followed by families who have requested additional devices to supplement those they already have. These devices are expected to be ready to loan by Friday, 3/27. We are considering the possibility of loaning Chromebooks, however they are expensive and the District does not have funds to replace them if they are lost, stolen or damaged.

Childcare: Guidance from the State is not expected until the beginning of next month. As the pandemic worsens, staffing for childcare will become more scarce and the ability to maintain social distance with children is unlikely. We are doubtful that we will be in a position to provide childcare in Toledo and urge families to consider neighbors, or students who are currently out of school and looking for work.

Remember, don't believe everything you read on the internet unless it comes from the Department of Health or the Center for Disease Control. We teach our students to support all their claims with evidence. We encourage you to do the same. Facts are our friends in uncertain times.

Prepared, not scared.

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