Saturday, February 6, 2021

Update 2.5.21

 Lewis County Metrics

Metrics are updated every two weeks now under the Healthy Washington plan. Next update will come on Feb. 12, 2021 and will let us know whether we get to continue in phase 2 or go back to phase 1. Keep your masks on, your hands washed and stay away from each other.

School Operations

THS began full operations in-person on Monday. Attendance will be Monday through Thursday for all schools. Until we're given authority to return to regular order- meaning no longer needing to maintain 6 feet of separation- there is no additional relaxation of schedule planned. All students and staff should expect to maintain this schedule for the foreseeable future.

THS remains a construction zone with the exception of the new classroom wing. All visitors are reminded to check in at the main office in the old portion of the school prior to entering the new wing. This is for security and screening purposes. Unless people have business to conduct, we ask that visitors not come to the building so that we can maintain safety and health protocols and not crowd parking and the construction zone.


Families should be aware that, while we have had only one driver required to quarantine as a close contact, if we have two or more drivers required to quarantine, the District will need to implement reduced routing and may not be able to transport all students. Just as we have snow and flood routes, we are working to develop driver shortage routes should those become necessary.

The driver shortage is having an impact on our ability to continue to serve all of the families in our district. We ask that you consider driving if you are looking for part time work that pays $20+/hour and includes benefits. We need at least 3 more drivers in order to be able to return to a single  start time for all schools without lengthy routes and overcrowded busses.


Tuesday is election day and we remind you that Toledo School District is asking voters whether to continue local support for programs and operations at the same level as in 2015. For a full description of what is on the measure, go to this link. This levy pays for staff, athletics, maintenance and repairs. It also makes sure that the district can respond to unexpected situations (like pandemics).

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