Friday, February 26, 2021

Update 2.26.21

 Lewis County Metrics

All regions of the state are in phase 2 until  further notice.

School Operations

TES continues to operate on a half-day for each student at every grade. 
TMS continues with a hybrid schedule for 7th and 8th grades on alternate days and half of 6th grade alternating.
THS is able to serve all students on campus thanks to the additional space created with new classrooms.
Cowlitz Prairie Academy continues in their regular operational mode.

Approximately 10% of our students are electing to continue in remote instruction only. All students are remote only on Fridays. Until the need for physical distancing is relaxed, we will continue in this manner.


We are in the process of developing a conference schedule for TES, TMS and THS. We are planning conferences for parents and teachers on Tuesday and Thursday March 30 and April 1. Watch for specific times from your school.

Commencement for the Class of 2021

As long as we remain in phase 2, we are planning on holding Commencement in person this June. We are allowed to have a total of 200 people in attendance including graduates, staff, board and guests. We estimate that each graduate will receive two tickets. We will be live streaming the event and recording it for everyone who cannot be in attendance in person. We are still sorting out the details, but we are committed to providing an in-person Commencement for our graduates.

Friday, February 19, 2021

2.19.21 Update

 Lewis County Metrics

These metrics will change every two weeks. Note that all regions of the state are in phase 2 and the West region (Lewis County) is meeting all four goal areas. This is great news for continuing on the path to regular order.

School Operations

On Feb. 26 and Mar. 19, our staff will pause instruction and work with students and families to spend some time on self-care. These will be remote-only learning days for all students. Since these are Fridays, this will only be a change for a few students.


We are currently transporting fewer students over more miles and for longer durations than during a typical year. We're doing this to accommodate our hybrid scheduling and to provide separation of students on busses. Each bus has 8 different routes and when a student decides to return to in-person instruction from remote-only, it changes all of the routes for that bus. In order to minimize the disruption to all families on a route, we have been working to find stops that will accommodate many students and that won't change frequently. This may mean that your child won't be picked up at your driveway and may need to catch the bus further away from home.  This is not being done to save money. In fact, we are spending much more to transport students this year than at any time in our history. Decisions about stops and routes are being made to best serve the most students and families in the district. For questions about your stop or route, please contact Don Hall at 360.864.2393 during business hours. If you call during route times, he'll need to call you back as he is currently driving a route.

Board Meetings

The Governor is allowing in-person meetings to take place in phase 2. The board decided to return to in-person meetings beginning with the March 18 meeting. We are allowed to have up to 25% of the room capacity for these meetings and plan to hold board meetings in the Commons at TMS to maximize the number of people who can attend. Regular board meetings begin at 7 p.m.

EP&O Levy

Our thanks go out to the voters of our community for your support of the levy. Results were certified today. This means that when we come back to regular order next year, we will be able to fund all of the staff and programs that our community has come to expect from the school district. These are difficult financial times for many people in our community and made this vote more difficult. We appreciate that in spite of those difficulties, the majority of our voters felt it was worth it. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2.12.21 Update

 Lewis County Metrics

Good news continues as the West region remains in phase 2. The trend in case rates is declining and we  have solid phase 2 statistics. This means that athletics and other events can continue with precautions. By continuing to mask, wash and stay away from each other, we're making good progress. Next step is to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

School Operations

With a few minor exceptions, the way that our schools are operating is what families can expect through the remainder of this school year. We continue to welcome students back to the classroom from full remote instruction as families become more comfortable with our operations and precautions. As work continues on the new high school, students and staff will begin to occupy more of the new spaces. This will allow additional distancing as well as improved ventilation. Access to the remainder of the new spaces is expected to continue through April 12.

ACT Days (Late Start Mondays)

Given the current state of school operations, I determined that ACT days were not practical for families or staff. As a result, we are discontinuing ACT days for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. These days will be included in the 2021-22 school calendar as they are important blocks of time for staff to train, collaborate and prepare.

We have arranged for a self-care seminar for all of our employees and will be doing that work on two remote learning Fridays. The first of these will be on February 26. We are arranging for the second session and will announce it later. This is time for our staff to develop plans to take care of their personal health and well-being. Just as those who work in the woods stop from time to time to sharpen their chainsaws, educators need to stop from time to time to sharpen themselves. These are some of those times.


There will be less to report in this blog as the year progresses. Beginning this week, I will be updating this as changes occur. For up-to-date information, please see our Facebook page or website or contact your school or the district office at 360.864.6325.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Update 2.5.21

 Lewis County Metrics

Metrics are updated every two weeks now under the Healthy Washington plan. Next update will come on Feb. 12, 2021 and will let us know whether we get to continue in phase 2 or go back to phase 1. Keep your masks on, your hands washed and stay away from each other.

School Operations

THS began full operations in-person on Monday. Attendance will be Monday through Thursday for all schools. Until we're given authority to return to regular order- meaning no longer needing to maintain 6 feet of separation- there is no additional relaxation of schedule planned. All students and staff should expect to maintain this schedule for the foreseeable future.

THS remains a construction zone with the exception of the new classroom wing. All visitors are reminded to check in at the main office in the old portion of the school prior to entering the new wing. This is for security and screening purposes. Unless people have business to conduct, we ask that visitors not come to the building so that we can maintain safety and health protocols and not crowd parking and the construction zone.


Families should be aware that, while we have had only one driver required to quarantine as a close contact, if we have two or more drivers required to quarantine, the District will need to implement reduced routing and may not be able to transport all students. Just as we have snow and flood routes, we are working to develop driver shortage routes should those become necessary.

The driver shortage is having an impact on our ability to continue to serve all of the families in our district. We ask that you consider driving if you are looking for part time work that pays $20+/hour and includes benefits. We need at least 3 more drivers in order to be able to return to a single  start time for all schools without lengthy routes and overcrowded busses.


Tuesday is election day and we remind you that Toledo School District is asking voters whether to continue local support for programs and operations at the same level as in 2015. For a full description of what is on the measure, go to this link. This levy pays for staff, athletics, maintenance and repairs. It also makes sure that the district can respond to unexpected situations (like pandemics).