Saturday, November 7, 2020

Weekly Briefing 11.6.20

 Lewis County Metrics

The curve appears to be flattening, but at a much higher level than we need in order to return to regular order. Hands, face and space remain the best weapons we have for reducing the spread.

Return to the Buildings

1st, 4th and 5th grades returned to TES this week on AM/PM schedules with half in the building for half the day, Monday through Thursday. Students and staff are excited to see one another again and to be working on campus, even though we're still using our safety protocols. Reminder that Fridays are a remote learning day for all students and staff to allow our maintenance team to do deep cleaning and disinfecting of the buildings.

Our thanks to parents who have been so cooperative in the transition from home to school by allowing busses to drop off students and clear before private vehicles enter the drop zone. This keeps our busses on schedule to get to the next set of homes and stops. Our transportation department is working almost constantly throughout the day with special routes in addition to the regular routes. We also thank you for using the attestation "coupons" as this speeds up the screening process upon entry to the building. 


All sports are engaged in modified practices in cohorts of 6 with masks and distance. WIAA has new guidance on interscholastic contests. Currently, our county's case rate is too high to allow for contests. We're hoping that, by working together, we can reduce case rates so that our athletes can have a season. For more information on WIAA's guidance go to WIAA Guidance.

If you have questions about athletic seasons, practice or other athletic questions, please contact our Athletic Director, Grady Fallon.

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