Thursday, October 8, 2020

Weekly Briefing 10.9.20

Lewis County Metrics

You'll note that this week, cases have again increased to the highest level since the onset of the pandemic. Only 7 counties in Washington have higher case loads. 

Return to School

Our Kindergarteners (THS Class of 2032) began on-campus instruction this week. Mrs. Bacon reports that they "own the school". They know how to ride the bus, get their screening and temperature checks, sit in the right spot in the cafeteria and go to class on time. They wear their masks without any difficulties or reminders all day- including recess. Mrs. Bacon says they are one of the most self-reliant groups she's had in recent memory. Parents- you've done a great job getting your kids ready for this adventure.

TES staff and faculty will meet today to develop consensus on the next steps in bringing students back to the building. I've told them that we need to do one or two grades at a time and give some space in between each new group. We'll continue with half-days on campus and half-days remote in order to accommodate all students on campus. The board will be considering our recommendations at their meeting on 10/15.

I am recommending to the board that we bring our TMS students to the building on Dec. 1. This is the first day of the new trimester. I'm also recommending that the Class of 2021 return to the building in some fashion the same day. We're becoming concerned that our seniors are disengaging and may have difficulties graduating this year unless we intervene. 

Food Service

Remember that two meals each day are available to all children ages 0-18 through the end of December. There is no charge for these meals. You do not have to qualify and they are available Monday-Friday. Order online using the order form on our website. You can pick up meals at TES or one of the 3 delivery sites in the district. Many families reported that this helped with their grocery bills last spring. We're concerned because we aren't getting as many requests for meals now as we did before.

New Requirements

We received more new guidance from Labor and Industries, the Governor's office and WIAA this week. L&I provided us with new regulations related to PPE while the Governor and WIAA revised requirements for athletics. We're in the process of aligning our practices to these new rules.

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